
Fast ForWord 課程獲得獎項

award-01 Time / Retraining Your Brain時代雜誌/重塑大腦封面專題報導 July 1999Fast ForWord®學習通課程的設計就像活躍大腦的工具,能夠幫助大腦強化語言及認知能力,讓人類大腦中的聽覺及知覺分析處理能力重新啟動
award-02 Newsweek / Rewiring Your Gray Matter新聞周刊/重塑你的大腦皮質層封面專題報導 January 2000以腦神經科學理論為基礎, 由SLC所研發的Fast ForWord®學習通課程能提升音素的知覺能力,學童認知能力獲得明顯的改善,因此,有效的提升了學習效率及閱讀能力。
award-03 美國PBS電視專輯報導 October 2009“最新科學教育:兒童大腦重塑 New Science of Learning: Brain Fitness for Kids”電視專訪SLC創辦人莫山尼奇博士與塔拉博士,說明大腦重塑與學習的最新成果驗證及Fast ForWord學習通課程對於兒童學習能力的臨床報告與成果。
award-04 榮獲世界多項知名科學及語言獎項與79項獨立研發科技專利
award-05 榮獲美國What Works Clearing House教育部消費信息評鑑”最佳英文學習法”
award-06 獲頒Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award in M​​edicine醫學技術專利獎
award-07 美國國立衛生研究院NIH(National Insitutes of Health)證實Fast ForWord的有效性
award-08 2010年獲評美國內華達州教育部”最高效英文閱讀學習產品”
award-09 2009年獲評EdNET年度全美最具影響力教育機構之一

Reading Assistant 課程獲得獎項

award-10 2012年榮獲美國第三十屆《科技與學習》雜誌”最佳領先產品”項目的優等獎
award-11 2007年以4.9顆星的高分榮獲Children Technology Review少兒科技圖書編輯獎
award-13 2005年榮獲Technology Learning Winner科技教學優質獎
award-12 榮獲美國國家閱讀研究小組認定”最佳理解力訓練”學習的題型設計

Fast ForWord®語言產品榮獲殊榮

  • 2007美國教育部What Works Clearing House調研結果證實Fast ForWord是為最有效的學習產品之一。
  • 2010美國內華達州法案185條法案通過對各區進行購買“創新與提升學校教育”的輔助教學。經過調查結果顯示 Fast ForWord®是所有受調學習產品中最高效的,結果顯示接受FFW訓練的學生平均提升22.2%的閱讀能力!

數家知名具公信力的独立教育機構針對Scientific Learning 所研發的語言產品進行調研後,皆證實並肯定其對於閱讀能力的有效提升所做出的貢獻。


Fast ForWord® Program

  • De Anda I. (2000). Glasses for the Ears: Technology provides a critical link to literacy, Multimedia Schools: A Practical Journal of Technology, including Multimedia, CD-ROM, Online, Internet, & Hardware in K-12, 7(2).
  • The National Center on Response to Intervention. (2011). NCRTI Lists the Fast ForWord Language Series as a Successful Response to Intervention.
  • The Nevada Department of Education and The Leadership and Learning Center (2010, March). Nevada Department of Education: Fast ForWord is a “High-Gain Program”
  • Programs and Practices: Fast ForWord (2003). Education Commission of the States.
  • Schachter J. (1999). Reading Programs that Work: A review of programs for Pre-Kindergarten to 4th grade. Milken Family Foundation.
  • Schultz Center for Teaching & Leadership (2009). Research Brief: Fast ForWord Longitudinal Impact Study. Jacksonville, FL: Author.
  • Wahl M, Robinson C, Torgesen J. (2003). Florida Center for Reading Research: Fast ForWord Language. Florida Center for Reading Research.
  • What Works Clearinghouse (2007, July), Beginning Reading: Fast ForWord. U.S. Department of Education: Institute of Education Sciences.
  • What Works Clearinghouse (2006, September), English Language Learners: Fast ForWord Language (2006). U.S. Department of Education: Institute of Education Sciences.
  • Woodrum, J, Ed.D. (2012). Improved Academic Achievement: Fast ForWord and the Bulloch County Schools Pilot, an Independent Study. Bulloch County Schools, Statesboro, Georgia.

Fast ForWord®針對不同語言學習者的成效研究

全美國和加拿大超過100個學區公正的評定當地學生的學術檢測成果。由於他們得到如此正面的成效,許多學區願意和那些尚未使用Scientific Learning產品的教育者分享心得。

“The first year Fast ForWord was in our school…all but one of the twelve students scored “Proficient” [on the 4th grade state test]. None of us could believe it!”
—Maria Lopez, Principal, Renaissance School One, Paterson, NJ

在第一年我們學校使用Fast ForWord後,12名學生當中有11名通過4年級全州檢定考試達到流利標準。我們簡直不敢相信—紐澤西州匹德森縣瑞納桑第一小學校長,瑪麗亞羅培茲女士

results_01 BLT (Cobb County, GA) 喬治亞州科布縣學術測驗比對報告
Fast ForWord participants from Georgia showed significant gains on the BLT, the assessment portion of Georgia’s Reading First program.

results_02 DIBELS (Perrysburg, OH) 俄亥俄州沛瑞斯堡縣二年級閱讀流利度比對報告
Second graders in the Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools who used Fast ForWord products improved their reading fluency more than those who did not use the products.

results_03 DIBELS (Poteau, OK) 奧克拉荷馬州坡濤縣學區閱讀流利度比對報告
After Fast ForWord use, students in Oklahoma gained an average of ten months in reading ability and increased their reading rate by 57%.

results_02 DIBELS (Todd County, SD) 南達可達州陶德縣學區閱讀流利度比對報告
Fourth graders in South Dakota had higher oral reading fluency rates than a comparison group and greater accuracy on grade-appropriate material after using the Fast ForWord products.